Baptism is an important next step in your faith journey. Baptism is a public declaration of your faith in Jesus. Before Jesus started his earthly ministry, He was baptized. We are to follow His example. When we are baptized, we are fully submerged under water to represent our old life before Christ being put to death, symbolizing Jesus’ death and burial. Then we are raised out of the water to represent our new life with Christ, just as Jesus was raised from to life again! We believe that Water Baptism is a public declaration that you are now following Jesus, living a new life and part of a church family!

At Hilltop Baptisms are a BIG deal! We love to celebrate what God has done in and through your life!


Water Baptism services happen throughout the year. Please fill out the form below and a staff member will reach out to you with all the details!

We encourage you to invite family and friends to celebrate with you.

We provide you with a towel and a T-shirt. All you need to do is bring a change of clothes.